Vision, Values & Strategic Goals

Our Vision
A caring, supportive and resilient community for all.
Our Values
To nurture, love & respect the intrinsic worth of every human being, in accordance with our Orthodox faith.
Our Goals
To foster a stronger community by engaging youth, strengthening families and supporting the elderly and those in need.
Our History

For over 40 years, the GWC has been involved in programs aimed at assisting the Greek community as well as ethnic groups of traditional European, Middle-Eastern, Asian and African Orthodox homelands. We have grown immensely over this period and offer assistance to anyone who seeks it in the general population also. Our role is to assist anyone who asks for our help.
The GWC is headed by a Board of Management which includes professionals from a range of relevant sectors. It is managed by a CEO who oversees a number of teams and projects that offer many services. Many of our services are subsidized by Federal and State Government grants. The GWC works in close cooperation with its funding bodies, as well as other service providers, the Orthodox parishes and ethnic communities, and the community at large.
St Philothei

The GWC is proud to have St Philothei as its Patron Saint, who is also one of the patron saints of Athens. Saint Philothei lived in Athens in the 16th century under the time of Ottoman oppression. She was born to wealthy parents and married at a young age. She patiently endured ill treatment by her husband, praying for God to mend his ways, but he passed away after just three years of marriage. St Philothei went on to establish a monastery in Athens at which she became the abbess, and dedicated her life to prayer. During this time she also took in many runaway female slaves who had likewise been badly treated by their Ottoman masters. The oppressors saw this as an affront, and would often beat her because of her charity towards the runaways. She continued in this sacred duty in spite of the personal risk to herself, and eventually died a martyr as a result of one of these beatings, on the 19th February, 1589. We commemorate her feast day every year on the anniversary of her passing.
Our People

Our Uniqueness
We are well known in the community and by our other stakeholders.
The positive aspects of our Greek culture are built into everything we do.
We are seen as an accessible, multicultural organisation by the broader community.
A Strong Organisation
We have built on our existing foundation and we are in a good financial position.
We have a strong network of volunteers and staff and they feel supported, highly valued and motivated.
We have strong management and governance structures in place.
Reaching More People
GWC is reaching people outside of its traditional community sphere.
More people are accessing new as well as expanded services and utilising our advocacy programs.
Our services and programs are evidence based and we have robust feedback and quality improvement processes in place.