Computer classes

April 30, 2021

We have beginners and intermediate computer classes at the Greek Welfare Centre that are facilitated by dedicated volunteers – aimed at helping to develop or enhance the computer skills of our clients.

It is so inspiring to see enthusiasm in each class as they navigate their way around this technological environment and connect to the world around them.

Participants have the option of using their own laptop computers or borrowing one from the centre.

Developing basic computer skills has a lot of practical benefits, but many seniors simply love feeling the sense of accomplishment they receive from learning a new skill.

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The Greek Welfare Centre of SA is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Many of the Greek Welfare Centre’s services for the aged are supported by the Australian Government Department of Health under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, and our Ageing Well programs (including the St Philothei Community Network) by Office for Ageing Well | SA Health. Note that although funding for these services has been provided by the respective government departments, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of those governments.